

Setting up TextMate for SWF compiling and Terminal trace output

30 May 2008

If you're an OS X developer, chances are high that Eclipse really cramps your style. But don't feel married to Flex Builder just because you want to export SWF files. My preferred IDE for the last year has been to use TextMate in combination with the Terminal for trace outputs. Long overdue, here's my dangerously concise checklist of how to set this up for yourself:

Remember to quit all browsers and restart after making this change.

After this has completed, you may as well do one more.

svn co http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles/Flex.tmbundle/

And you're good to go! You'll notice right away that TextMate is a very bare-bones editor. But its simplicity obscures its complexity. Snippets and completion are two of its many benefits. You can familiarize yourself at the online manual.

As an added bonus, check out the free utility Visor (from the creator of Quicksilver). It's a little odd to set up, but once it's there, while focused on any other application you can press any specified keyboard shortcut to slide out a terminal window from the top of the screen, giving you an easy glance at what your SWF may be tracing.

Enjoy! Feel free to add your own tips below.